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Differences between version dated 2003-02-13 15:24:50 and 2024-04-29 02:46:57
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The WikiNature is typing in a bunch of book titles and coming back a day later and finding them turned into birds in the Amazon.

Writing on Wiki is like regular writing, except I get to write so much more than I write, and I get to think thoughts I never thought (like being on a really good Free Software project, where you wake up the next morning to find your bugs fixed and ideas improved).


It reminds us of minimalist Japanese brushstroke drawings; you provide the few, elegant slashes of ink, and other minds fill in the rest.


It befuddles and enlightens.


Really, it's not accurate to talk about a WikiNature, we would do better recognizing that Nature itself, is Wiki.


See Wiki:WikiNature for more.

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