Python 2.4.1

A problem occurred while running a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, with the most recent (innermost) call last.

/home1/kenial/public_html/MoinMoin/cgimain.py in run(_cgiform=<class cgi.FieldStorage>)
  171         try:
  172             from MoinMoin.support import cgitb
  173             cgitb.handler()
       cgitb = <module 'MoinMoin.support.cgitb' from '/home1/kenial/public_html/MoinMoin/support/cgitb.py'>, handler = <function execute>
  174         except:
  175             cgi.print_exception()

/home1/kenial/public_html/MoinMoin/action/LikePages.py in execute(pagename=' ', form=FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('action', 'LikePages')]), s_re=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>, e_re=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>, s_re2=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>, e_re2=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>)
   35     except:
   36         match = s_re2.match(pagename)
   37         start = match.group(1)
       start = undefined, match = None, global group = undefined
   38         s_len = len(start)
   39         match = e_re2.search(pagename)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
      __doc__ = 'Attribute not found.'
      __getitem__ = <bound method AttributeError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.AttributeError instance at 0x403b2bac>>
      __init__ = <bound method AttributeError.__init__ of <exceptions.AttributeError instance at 0x403b2bac>>
      __module__ = 'exceptions'
      __str__ = <bound method AttributeError.__str__ of <exceptions.AttributeError instance at 0x403b2bac>>
      args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'",)